Upon an ornate desk on the cusp of death, a letter makes its presence known.
Abandoned, vulnerable, and alone, it sits.
Decades have come and gone since a gaze last rested upon its surface.
The gentle and dim moonlight pouring through the thick curtains grants the marks hastily etched onto the page to be liberated from obscurity.
"They lied to us.
They promised they would save us.
They promised our souls would ascend past the heavens to bathe in a glorious existence holier than the Gods could even begin to comprehend.
They preach of our inferiority -- denouncing the organic inefficiencies that tie us to our motherland -- and hang the twin titles of 'messiah' and 'savior' over their heads, adjusting it between their horns with a hubris that knows no bounds.
I ask myself, as the meat of our flesh is torn asunder in pits of flame to become a mockery of both ourselves and of the sanctified beasts; did we truly need saving?
Open thine eyes, I beg of thee;
The others refuse to hear even a peep of this epiphany of mine -- especially those of my own blood -- they brand me a heretic, a traitor, a man in need of a savior.
They greet eternal turmoil dressed in gleaming scales by bathing them in self-sacrifices and glory.
Open thine ears, I beg of thee;
I could not bear seeing your loving form writhing in wretchedness along with the other unfortunate fools in a venerated mass grave.
I could not bear hearing your desperate screaming and begging of symphonic agony reverberating off of the sacred barrier of the cathedral, drowned out by pretentious hymns of blasphemous worship.
I cannot allow that to happen, I simply cannot. I fear for your safety even more than mine.
Make your way to Bay Leaf Bridge when the lunar bell tolls."